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    Budget 'disappointing' for construction industry - MBA

    Published on 21 February 2019, Thursday, 4:01 AM

    Master Builders Australia (MBA) has responded to the 2013-14 budget, saying that the proposals are disappointing for the construction industry.

    The budget has set aside $24 billion for investment into urban road and rail infrastructure, but chief executive officer of MBA, Wilhelm Harnisch, believes that this alone is not enough.

    "There are no other measures in the Budget which will impact positively on the building construction industry. Therefore, tonight's Budget is disappointing for an industry suffering very difficult conditions," he explained.

    Mr Harnisch and MBA are not the only industry watchers left feeling disappointed by the announcement.

    The Property Council of Australia (PCA) showed similar sentiments, saying that while the commitment to infrastructure was "impressive", the overall budget missed a great opportunity to boost the economy through property construction investments.

    "A true nation building strategy would link higher housing supply with stronger infrastructure spending," said the council's chief executive Peter Verwer.

    While the PCA praised the 57 new projects as smart investments, they and MBA suggested that the construction sector and all those involved with it had been let down by the budget.

    Nathan Mills portrait image
    Nathan Mills
    Nathan is a seasoned Kennards Hire team member passionate about empowering DIYers in their projects. He loves everything DIY and brings together years of equipment and project experience to help customers get the right tools for their next job.