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    MBA looks to election to improve industry regulation

    Published on 28 February 2019, Thursday, 3:27 AM

    Master Builders Australia (MBA) has highlighted the need for less red tape in the industry by backing a new coalition policy in a statement released July 8.

    The policy will see increased productivity measures taken and reduced regulations become part of the federal election debate, something that the MBA believes is important for the building and construction industries.

    Chief executive officer of the MBA Wilhelm Harnisch was excited by the move, as it could have a real effect for those working in these fields.

    "Time spent dealing with red tape and duplicative compliance processes diverts precious resources from the industry and stops it from doing what it does best - creating jobs, driving the economy and building homes, hospitals, schools roads and other vital community infrastructure," he said.

    Mr Harnisch also pointed out that a slew of new regulation measures over the last few years have led the industry to be "one of the most intensely regulated industries in Australia, with legislation and red tape applied at all three levels of government".

    The Australian Federal Election is set to be held on September 14 this year.

    Nathan Mills portrait image
    Nathan Mills
    Nathan is a seasoned Kennards Hire team member passionate about empowering DIYers in their projects. He loves everything DIY and brings together years of equipment and project experience to help customers get the right tools for their next job.