Performing routine highway maintenance, no matter how standard, often leaves workers exposed to hazards. When hiring traffic equipment like arrow boards and attenuators, make sure you're well aware of the dangers of motorway and road work.
Workforce Road Services in Australia knows about these dangers all too well. On one recent project, the company was laying an audio tactile line across a South Australia highway when a large truck hit the attenuator the company had hired from Kennards.
The company was using a front escort vehicle alongside an audio tactile machine. About 30 metres behind the work, an attenuator was positioned to alert any drivers of the upcoming construction.
Nick Giannetta, Workforce Road Services State Manager, stated that the trouble began when the truck tried to overtake a semi-trailer, unaware the attenuator was there.
"The 4WD went to overtake on the left at approximately 100km/h and was suddenly confronted by a stationary Kennards Hire attenuator," he said.
"The solid structure of the attenuator did exactly what it was designed to do. It saved the lives of the road crew."
Gianetta's testimony should be enough to encourage anyone to use the proper traffic equipment when performing roadside work.