A surge in demand for technical trades has seen the average tradie earning more than their tertiary educated counterparts.
According to the Financial Review, tradies are out-earning bachelor graduates, with the former earning an annual salary of $52,000 and the latter taking home $50,000 in their pockets each year.
The surge in tradie wages has been attributed to the Australian mining boom, with more demand than ever in technical trade employees.
The data has ignited debate over the idea that to earn a decent wage people need to have a tertiary degree behind them.
Former South Australian premier Lynn Arnold weighed in on the topic saying a university education is not integral to career success.
"I don't mean to be dismissive about my degrees at all because they've been enormously interesting and, in the tapestry of life sense, very powerful, but if I hadn't have had them, I think I still could have achieved a lot in my life," Mr Arnold told News Limited.
Amanda Vanstone, a former senator for South Australia, expressed an opposing view.
"Kids who do go to university will definitely have a much higher proportion of better opportunities, more secure income and higher incomes over the rest of their life," Ms Vanstone told The Advertiser.