Kennards Hire - Hire or Rent Equipment, Tools & Supplies

    Warm weather hiatus

    Published on 29 January 2019, Tuesday, 5:55 AM

    Many parts of Australia have been enjoying sunny weather - with many capital cities enjoying temperatures in the low-to-mid 20s.

    In some areas, this warm spell is unusual - after all we are still in the midst of winter.

    Despite the unseasonably balmy conditions bestowing on regions across the nation, it is important for tradies to not be lulled into a false sense of hope - wet weather, and plenty of it, is likely to grace us at some stage.

    And when wild weather does lash a region, disrupting daily routines, many tradesmen can find themselves forced off a job - potentially impacting on their monthly paypackets.

    Power outages are common during rough conditions, with some regions being separated from the electricity grid for days.

    In a blackout event, tradesmen may find hiring a generator from their local Kennards store a lifesaver - enabling them to keep going with their work.

    Kennards boast a wide generator range for your needs - from running household appliances such as fridges and microwaves to powering construction sites for the use of machinery.

    Running off fuel, generators are a cost-efficient way of dealing with power outages to ensure tradies can keep working on a job.

    Nathan Mills portrait image
    Nathan Mills
    Nathan is a seasoned Kennards Hire team member passionate about empowering DIYers in their projects. He loves everything DIY and brings together years of equipment and project experience to help customers get the right tools for their next job.