Kennards Hire - Hire or Rent Equipment, Tools & Supplies

    How to start up a Chainsaw

    Published on 21 August 2017, Monday, 7:45 PM

    In this guide we’ll go over how to start up a chainsaw.   Whenever you get a chain tool from Kennards, a new chain is installed after every service. We never re-sharpen and reuse old chains.  Each time you hire a chain saw, it has a full tank of fuel and oil, so it’s ready to make your job easy.  

    The start-up procedure is relatively the same with every sized chainsaw.  Most chain saws have a safety engagement feature called a chain brake. If the chain saw does happen to kick back onto you, the chain break will click on.  So if you suddenly can’t get the chain going again after use, double check that the chain brake isn’t engaged.

    To start u the chain saw prime the decompression switch by pushing it a few times.  Around the side of most chainsaws is where the throttle is located.  Make sure your palms are on the safety to give us full throttle. Down underneath the engine I the choke.  When you are starting the chainsaw cold, always have the choke on full.  Keep the weight of the chainsaw down on the ground when starting. Normally with chains saws they’ll start up once and then will stall, especially its first start of the day. That's when you take the choke up one click, that's to avoid any flooding problems and restart the engine.  

    As always, make sure you’ve got all your safety gear on before starting the machine up.  Once you go through the starting procedure you can get on with your clearing. 

    Kennards Hire has the experience and know how to help you with your next project.  Get in touch with your local branch today by visiting contact us.